W Spots 2013: Top#10 Best Sidewalk Wine Restaurants in Mainland Portugal (2)

See more: http://w-anibal.com/media/pdf/17_3LiquidosW.pdf

WSpot_Wine Restaurant_aquarius_w-assinatura


Aquáriu´s 6300 Guarda 271230157
Assinatura 1250 Lisboa 213867696
Champanheria da Baixa 4050 Porto 220962809
Côrte Real 4150 Porto 226169073
Foz Velha 4150 Porto 226154178
Loureiro 4250 Porto 228312519
Patuá 4050 Porto 222080622
Rei dos Leitões 3050 Mealhada 231202093
Rubro 1150 Lisboa 210191191
Traça 4050 Porto 222081065

Sobre Aníbal Coutinho

Anibal Coutinho lives in Lisboa and he is a Portuguese independent wine commentator. For the first time ever a well known Portuguese professional is writing in English about Portuguese wines. Using the letter W for his wine philosophy, Anibal shares his passionate view as a wine consumer, winemaker, wine writer, wine voyeur, wine bullshitter, wine buyer, wine educator, wine judge and amateur sommelier. He has a MSc and an ongoing PhD in Sensory Analysis. He will also share his passion about other W liquids. Anibal sings in the Gulbenkian Choir. Last but not least he is a devoted husband and father.
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